Bas Kodden is leiderschapscoach, managementwetenschapper en een van Nederlands meest gevraagde trainers in leiderschap en verandering. Hij verzorgt nationaal en internationaal lezingen op het gebied van leiderschap en bevlogenheid en is als hoogleraar leiderschap- & managementontwikkeling verbonden aan Nyenrode Business Universiteit.
Meer over Bas KoddenBe A HERO
How To Bring Out Leadership In Everyone
Paperback Engels 2017 1e druk 9789491757525Samenvatting
Research shows that 88 percent of employees are not enthusiastic about their work. This is a huge waste of talent and energy. In this book, teacher and researcher Bas Kodden presents a step-by-step plan towards a more enthusiastic approach to work, all on the basis of practically applicable management theories, personal experience and meetings with highly-skilled (sports) legends.
This book helps you become a HELD: Highly Energetic Responsible Operator. A HELD - literally a HERO in Dutch - is enthusiastic, motivated and knows where his talents lie. A HELD has more fun at work, will get better performance and has an increased chance of success.
'This book is one of the most inspiring books about how we can use devotion, knowledge and creativity to achieve exceptional performance. Bas' description of his heroes makes you want to apply their insights and opinions in your own life. This book awakens the hero in us all!' – Prof. Jeff B.R. Gaspersz, Professor at Nyenrode Business University.
'Be a HERO' is written for anyone looking for new energy, passion and enthusiasm and managers who want to grow their organization on the basis of a positive flow.
'A must-read for students, teachers, professors, coaches and people involved in HRM' -
'Truly inspiring!' - Bol.com
1. Engagement
Vitality, dedication and absorption
2. Talent
Utilizing your talents as a prerequisite
Discovering your talents
Developing your talents
Working together on talent
3. Heroes
A HERO has a master plan
It is not always just about winning
Engaged people are intrinsically motivated
4. Energy and vitality
Not satisfied, but engaged employees are crucial to every organization
Engagement and work-related energy sources
Engagement and personal energy sources
Engagement is infectious
The importance of sports for happiness and wellbeing
Apply focus to remain energetic and vital
Burn-out: prevent energy loss
5. Energy sources for heroism
1 Autonomy
2 Feedback
3 Social support
4 Coaching
5 Optimism
6 Self-esteem
7 Stress-resistance
8 Self-effectiveness
6 Act
Fight or flight, but never freeze
What is courageous behavior?
Courageous behavior requires energy and nonconformity
Effectuation as a theory to achieve your goal
7. Self-knowledge
Self-knowledge: get to know your own unique energy sources with the
Introduction to the enneagram
8. The give and take in leadership
Recruiting and selecting engaged top talents
The CEO as Chief Energy Officer
Managing vitality and energy
The power of energy management
Step-by-step plan for the HERO
- advisering
- algemeen management
- coaching en trainen
- communicatie en media
- economie
- financieel management
- inkoop en logistiek
- internet en social media
- it-management / ict
- juridisch
- leiderschap
- marketing
- mens en maatschappij
- non-profit
- ondernemen
- organisatiekunde
- personal finance
- personeelsmanagement
- persoonlijke effectiviteit
- projectmanagement
- psychologie
- reclame en verkoop
- strategisch management
- verandermanagement
- werk en loopbaan