Dr. Jos Ahlers is, na jarenlang verbonden te zijn geweest aan grote internationale communicatiebureaus. Daarna was hij werkzaam als onafhankelijk adviseur voor bedrijven, instellingen en overheid. Tegenwoordig is hij Senior Strateeg bij het Amsterdamse reclamebureau N=5.
Meer over de auteursGen Z
Longing for Change
Paperback Engels 2019 1e druk 9789461562623Samenvatting
The clock is ticking! Take action now...
Nobody can hold back the future, but now is the time to view things in advance, and that is better than hindsight. Gen Z is longing for change and is taking its place in the workspace! They will take over and shape society, step by step. Only, what is their view of the world? How do they perceive the previous generations? Which choices will they make? How do you get in touch with them? And how will Generation Alpha turn out?
This is already the 3rd book in which Jos Ahlers and René Boender write about this unstoppable network generation. Based on extensive research, they venture into a series of predictions on the behavior of this young, digital generation. A generation that is always online, everywhere. To whom socials are not a discovery, but a necessity.
What will the consequences be in social matters? In the fi eld of marketing? Or sports? Gen Z is a book that is in the center of life. This is a book for everyone who wants to get to know Gen Z better. And wants to understand how to inspire this generation by behaving in a morally responsible way. Let’s head for a nicer world!
Over René C.W. Boender
It’s the economy, stupid | 18
The generation chain | 25
Fasten your meatbelt: the technological tornado | 30
The Alphas are already on their way | 34
Gen Y is not Gen Z is not Alpha | 37
A fluid identity | 41
The secret attraction of socials | 44
The screenager myth | 52
Help: streak panic | 58
From FOMO to JOMO | 61
Will Gen Z become the BlockGen? | 64
Zs say: just get everything out in the open | 72
The sharing economy is on the way back: from laundrette to scatterbike | 77
Future Food tastes good… | 85
Shopping with Z | 89
Gen Z: the unattainable generation? | 98
How do you influence a network? | 105
Gen Z in search of authentic influencers | 111
When Greta, Jack and Steve speak, Gen Z listens | 117
Sports can make the world a happier place! | 120
Podcast revolution | 122
The outside world is where it all happens | 125
Escape from reality! What games teach us | 128
Games without frontiers | 135
Will Alexa kill the brand? | 138
A new world requires a new take on brands | 148
From CSR 1.0 to CSR 2.0 | 154
A few additional meditations that require action… | 157
Thanks to Gen Z and our friends around the world | 161
Sources | 164
- advisering
- algemeen management
- coaching en trainen
- communicatie en media
- economie
- financieel management
- inkoop en logistiek
- internet en social media
- it-management / ict
- juridisch
- leiderschap
- marketing
- mens en maatschappij
- non-profit
- ondernemen
- organisatiekunde
- personal finance
- personeelsmanagement
- persoonlijke effectiviteit
- projectmanagement
- psychologie
- reclame en verkoop
- strategisch management
- verandermanagement
- werk en loopbaan