Rechtspraak vreemdelingenrecht 1950-2021
Landmark Cases on Asylum and Immigration Law
Paperback Tweetalig 2021 1e druk 9789493199330Samenvatting
De belangrijkste Engels- en Nederlandstalige uitspraken op het gebied van vreemdelingenrecht van 1950 t/m 2021 speciaal geselecteerd en geannoteerd voor gebruik in het onderwijs en de rechtspraktijk.
Important decisions of recent years and decades in the area of asylum and immigration law have been compiled, with annotations from experts at Dutch universities. The principal aim of this publication is to serve as a tool for education at universities and colleges, as well as professional education for judges, legal practitioners, and government staff.
Most annotations are in English, while Dutch case law is followed by annotations in Dutch. New annotations have been written, thereby giving an overview of the latest developments and discussing the most important concepts of asylum and immigration law between 1950 and 2021 in a coherent and chronological manner.
The chapters in this edition are theme-based. The chapter on asylum includes decisions on substantive asylum law and procedural law, and the chapter on family reunification includes case-law addressing Article 8 ECHR, the EU Family Reunification Directive, and the broader protection of the unity of the family of Union citizens in the Citizenship Directive. The chapter on social rights (such as reception, social security and education) refers to all categories of migrants (including asylum seekers, Union citizens and long-term residents). The chapter ‘miscellaneous’, includes important judgments by the CJEU addressing the scope and requirements of effective judicial protection within the framework of the Citizens Directive and the Dublin Regulation, and a decision addressing the right of equal treatment irrespective of race or ethnic origin. Finally, it includes the decision of the UN Human Rights Committee dealing with the protection of climate refugees.
No 1. El Hassani
Court of Justice of the European Union 13 December 2017, C-403/16
annotation Evelien Brouwer
No 2. M.N.
European Court of Human Rights 5 May 2020, No 3599/18
annotation Evelien Brouwer
No 3. R.N.N.S and K.A.
Court of Justice of the European Union 24 November 2020, C-225/19
annotation Evelien Brouwer
No 4. Asylum case
International Court of Justice 20 November 1950, I.C. J. Reports 1950, p. 266
annotation Hemme Battjes
No 5. Soering
European Court of Human Rights 7 July 1989, No 14038/88
annotation Hemme Battjes
No 6. Chahal
European Court of Human Rights 15 November 1996, No 22414/93
annotation Hemme Battjes
No 7. N.A. v. UK
European Court of Human Rights 17 July 2008, No 25904/07
annotation Hemme Battjes
No 8. Elgafaji
Court of Justice of the European Union 17 February 2009, C-465/07
annotation Hemme Battjes
No 9. M.S.S.
European Court of Human Rights 21 January 2011, No 30696/09
annotation Maarten den Heijer
No 10. Othman
European Court of Human Rights 17 January 2012, No 8139/09
annotation Maarten den Heijer
No 11. Hirsi Jamaa
European Court of Human Rights 23 February 2012, No 27765/09
annotation Maarten den Heijer
No 12. X., Y. and Z.
Court of Justice of the European Union 7 November 2013, C-199/12 to C-201/12 annotation Maarten den Heijer
No 13. A., B. and C.
Court of Justice of the European Union 2 December 2014, C-148/13, C-149/13, C-150/13
annotation Maarten den Heijer
No 14. M’bodj
Court of Justice of the European Union 18 December 2014, C-542/13
annotation Stefan Kok
No 15. Danqua
Court of Justice of the European Union 20 October 2016, C-429/15
annotation Marcelle Reneman
No 16. J.K.
European Court of Human Rights 23 August 2016, No 59166/12
annotation Marcelle Reneman
No 17. Paposhvili
European Court of Human Rights 13 December 2016, No 41738/10
annotation Hemme Battjes
No 18. Lounani Court of Justice of the European Union 31 January 2017, C-573/14
annotation Stefan Kok
No 19. Toroburov Court of Justice of the European Union 29 July 2019, C-556/17
annotation Karen Geertsema
No 20. N.D. and N.T.
European Court of Human Rights 13 February 2020, Nos 8675/15 and 8697/15
annotation Maarten den Heijer
No 21. Veilig land van herkomst
Afdeling bestuursrechtspraak van de Raad van State 7 april 2021, 202002809/1/V2
noot Stefan Kok
No 22. Abulaziz
European Court of Human Rights 28 May 1985, Nos 9214/80; 9473/81; 9474/81
annotation Gerrie Lodder
No 23. Boultif
European Court of Human Rights 2 August 2001, No 54273/00
annotation Gerrie Lodder
No 24. Chen
Court of Justice of the European Union 19 October 2004, C-200/02
annotation Gerrie Lodder
25. European Court of Human Rights 1 December 2005, No. 60665/00 Tuquabo-Tekle
annotation Gerrie Lodder
26. European Court of Human Rights 31 July 2008, No 32504/11 Omoregie
annotation Betty de Hart
27. Court of Justice of the European Union 4 March 2010, C-578/08 Chakroun
annotation Mark Klaassen
28. European Court of Human Rights 28 June 2011, No 55597/09 Nunez
annotation Mark Klaassen
29. Court of Justice of the European Union 6 December 2012, C-356/11, C-357/11 O., S. and L.
annotation Tineke Strik
30. Court of Justice of the European Union 12 March 2014, C‑456/12 O. and B.
annotation Nadia Ismaili
31. European Court of Human Rights 3 October 2014, No 12738/10 Jeunesse
annotation Tineke Strik
32. Court of Justice of the European Union 10 May 2017, C-133/15 Chavez Vilchez
annotation Mark Klaassen
33. Court of Justice of the European Union 12 April 2018, C-550/16 A. and S.
annotation Peter Rodrigues
34. European Court of Human Rights 28 July 2020, No 25402/12 Pormes v The Netherlands
annotation Betty de Hart
35. Afdeling bestuursrechtspraak van de Raad van State 29 maart 2019, 201803737/1/V1
noot Mark Klaassen
36. Court of Justice of the European Union 23 November 2010, C-145/09 Tsakouridis
annotation Evelien Brouwer
37. Court of Justice of the European Union 10 February 2011, C-307/09 to C-309/09 Vicoplus
annotation Annette Schrauwen
38. European Court of Human Rights 28 June 2011, No 577/11 Het Financieele Dagblad
annotation Tesseltje de Lange
39. Court of Justice of the European Union 10 September 2014, C-491/13 Ben Alaya
annotation Arno Overmars
40. Court of Justice of the European Union 11 September 2014, C-91/13 Essent
annotation Tesseltje de Lange
41. Court of Justice of the European Union 14 November 2017, C-165/16 Lounes
annotation Sandra Mantu
42. Court of Justice of the European Union 5 June 2018, C-673/16 Coman
annotation Sandra Mantu
43. Court of Justice of the European Union 12 March 2019, C-221/17 Tjebbes
annotation Peter Rodrigues
44. Court of Justice of the European Union 4 April 2010, C-14/09 Genc
annotation Helen Oosterom-Staples
45 .Court of Justice of the European Union 8 December 2011, C-371/08 Ziebell
annotation Helen Oosterom-Staples
46. Court of Justice of the European Union 10 July 2014, C-138/13 Dogan
annotation Helen Oosterom-Staples
47. Court of Justice of the European Union 26 April 2012, C-508/10 Commission v. the Netherlands
annotation Karin de Vries
48. Court of Justice of the European Union 4 June 2015, C-579/13 P. and S.
annotation Karin de Vries
49. Court of Justice of the European Union 14 March 2019, C-557/17 Y.Z. a.o.
annotation Karen Geertsema
50. Court of Justice of the European Union 11 June 2015, C-554/13 Z., Zh. and I.O.
annotation Viola Bex-Reimert
51. Court of Justice of the European Union 4 April 2017, C-544/15 Fahimian
annotation Evelien Brouwer
52. Court of Justice of the European Union 12 December 2019, C-381/18 and C-382/18 G.S. and V. & G.
annotation by Viola Bex-Reimert
53. European Court of Human Rights 21 June 2011, No 5335/05 Ponomaryovi
annotation Lieneke Slingenberg
54. Court of Justice of the European Union 24 April 2012, C-571/10 Kamberaj
annotation Paul Minderhoud
55. Court of Justice of the European Union 11 November 2014, C-333/13 Dano
annotation Paul Minderhoud
56. Court of Justice of the European Union 12 November 2019, C‑233/18, Haqbin
annotation Lieneke Slingenberg
57. European Court of Human Rights 2 July 2020, Nos 28820/13, 75547/13, 13114/15, N.H. a.o.
annotation Lieneke Slingenberg
58. European Committee of Social Rights 10 November 2014, No 90/2013, CEC v. the Netherlands
annotation Lieneke Slingenberg
59. Centrale Raad van Beroep 26 juni 2001, AWB 00/3097, 00/2440, 99/4942, 99/4945, 99/4941, 99/4944, 99/4943, 00/2399 AKW Koppelingswet
noot Paul Minderhoud en Lieneke Slingenberg
60. European Court of Human Rights 5 February 2002, No 51564/99 Čonka
annotation Carolus Grütters
61. European Court of Human Rights 12 October 2006, No 13178/03 Mayeka and Mitunga
annotation Stefan Kok
62. European Court of Human Rights 29 January 2008, No 13229/03 Saadi
annotation Carolus Grütters
63. Court of Justice of the European Union 30 November 2009, C-357/09 Kadzoev
annotation Galina Cornelisse
64. Court of Justice of the European Union 6 December 2012, C-430/11 Sagor
annotation Carolus Grütters
65. Court of Justice of the European Union 5 June 2014, C-146/14 PPU Mahdi
annotation Carolus Grütters
66. Court of Justice of the European Union 18 December 2014, C-562/13 Abdida
annotation Marcelle Reneman
67. Court of Justice of the European Union 15 February 2016, C-601/15 PPU J.N.
annotation Galina Cornelisse
68. European Court of Human Rights 25 January 2018, No. 22696/16 J.R. and others
annotation Karin Zwaan
69. Court of Justice of the European Union 19 June 2018, C-181/16 Gnandi
annotation Karen Geertsema
70. Court of Justice of the European Union 17 September 2020, C‑806/18 JZ
annotation Galina Cornelisse
71. Hoge Raad der Nederlanden 21 september 2012, 11/01153 Opvang uitgeprocedeerde minderjarigen
noot Lieneke Slingenberg
72. Court of Justice of the European Union 4 June 2013, C-300/11 ZZ
annotation Marcelle Reneman
73. Court of Justice of the European Union 7 June 2016, C-63/15 Ghezelbash
annotation Karin Zwaan
74. Court of Justice of the European Union 22 March 2018, C-668/15 Jyske Finans
annotation Karin de Vries
75. Human Rights Committee 7 January 2020, CCPR/C/127/D/2728/2016 Teitiota
annotation Karin Zwaan
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