About the Author
1. Why Things Are Not That Simple
-Our Linear Minds
-Hierarchical Management
-Agile Management
-My Theory of Everything
-The Book and the Model
-Reflection and Action
2. Agile Software Development
-Prelude to Agile
-The Book of Agile
-The Fundamentals of Agile
-The Competition of Agile
-The Obstacle to Agile
-Line Management versus Project Management
-Reflection and Action
3. Complex Systems Theory
-Cross-Functional Science
-General Systems Theory
-Dynamical Systems Theory
-Game Theory
-Evolutionary Theory
-Chaos Theory
-The Body of Knowledge of Systems
-Simplicity: A New Model
-Revisiting Simplification
-Nonadaptive versus Adaptive
-Are We Abusing Science?
-A New Era: Complexity Thinking
-Reflection and Action
4. The Information-Innovation System
-Innovation Is the Key to Survival
-Only People Are Qualified for Control
-From Ideas to Implementation
-Reflection and Action
5. How to Energize People
-Creative Phases
-Manage a Creative Environment
-Creative Techniques
-Extrinsic Motivation
-Intrinsic Motivation
-Ten Desires of Team Members
-What Motivates People: Find the Balance
-Make Your Rewards Intrinsic
-Diversity? You Mean Connectivity!
-Personality Assessments
-Four Steps toward Team Personality Assessment
-Do-It-Yourself Team Values
-Define Your Personal Values
-The No Door Policy
-Reflection and Action
6. The Basics of Self-Organization
-Self-Organization within a Context
-Self-Organization toward Value
-Self-Organization versus Anarchy
-Self-Organization versus Emergence
-Emergence in Teams
-Self-Organization versus Self-Direction
-versus Self-Selection
-Darkness Principle
-Conant-Ashby Theorem
-Distributed Control
-Empowerment as a Concept
-Empowerment as a Necessity
-You Are (Like) a Gardener
-Reflection and Action
7. How to Empower Teams
-Don't Create Motivational Debt
-Wear a Wizard's Hat
-Pick a Wizard, Not a Politician
-Empowerment versus Delegation
-Reduce Your Fear, Increase Your Status
-Choose the Right Maturity Level
-Pick the Right Authority Level
-Assign Teams or Individuals
-The Delegation Checklist
-If You Want Something Done, Practice Your Patience
-Resist Your Manager's Resistance
-Address People's Ten Intrinsic Desires
-Gently Massage the Environment
-Reflection and Action
8. Leading and Ruling on Purpose
-Game of Life
-Universality Classes
-False Metaphor
-You're Not a Game Designer
-But-Self-Organization Is Not Enough
-Manage the System, Not the People
-Managers or Leaders?
-Right Distinction: Leadership versus Governance
-Meaning of Life
-Purpose of a Team
-Assigning an Extrinsic Purpose
-Reflection and Action
9. How to Align Constraints
-Give People a Shared Goal
-Checklist for Agile Goals
-Communicate Your Goal
-Vision versus Mission
-Examples of Organizational Goals
-Allow Your Team an Autonomous Goal
-Compromise on Your Goal and Your Team's Goal
-Create a Boundary List of Authority
-Choose the Proper Management Angle
-Protect People
-Protect Shared Resources
-Constrain Quality
-Create a Social Contract
-Reflection and Action
10. The Craft of Rulemaking
-Learning Systems
-Rules versus Constraints
-The Agile Blind Spot
-What's Important: Craftsmanship
-Positive Feedback Loops
-Negative Feedback Loops
-Discipline * Skill = Competence
-Diversity of Rules
-Subsidiarity Principle
-Risk Perception and False Security
-Broken Windows
-Reflection and Action
11. How to Develop Competence
-Seven Approaches to Competence Development
-Optimize the Whole: Multiple Levels
-Optimize the Whole: Multiple Dimensions
-Tips for Performance Metrics
-Four Ingredients for Self-Development
-Managing versus Coaching versus Mentoring
-Consider Certification
-Harness Social Pressure
-Use Adaptable Tools
-Consider a Supervisor
-Organize One-on-Ones
-Organize 360-Degree Meetings
-Grow Standards
-Work the System, Not the Rules or the People
-Reflection and Action
12. Communication on Structure
-Is It a Bug or a Feature?
-Communication and Feedback
-Miscommunication Is the Norm
-Capabilities of Communicators
-Network Effects
-Tuning Connectivity
-Competition and Cooperation
-Groups and Boundaries
-Hyper-Productivity or Autocatalysis
-Scale Symmetry: Patterns Big and Small
-How to Grow: More or Bigger?
-Reflection and Action
13. How to Grow Structure
-About Environment, Products, Size, and People
-Consider Specialization First
- And Generalization Second
-Widen People's Job Titles
-Cultivate Informal Leadership
-Watch Team Boundaries
-The Optimal Team Size Is 5 (Maybe)
-Functional Teams versus Cross-Functional Teams
-Two Design Principles
-Choose Your Organizational Style
-Turn Each Team into a Little Value Unit
-Move Stuff out to Separate Teams
-Move Stuff up to Separate Layers
-How Many Managers Does It Take to Change an Organization?
-Create a Hybrid Organization
-The Anarchy Is Dead, Long Live the Panarchy
-Have No Secrets
-Make Everything Visible
-Connect People
-Aim for Adaptability
-Reflection and Action
14. The Landscape of Change
-The Environment Is Not "Out There"
-The Fear of Uncertainty
-Laws of Change
-Every Product Is a Success-Until It Fails
-Success and Fitness: It's All Relative
-How to Embrace Change
-Adaptation, Exploration, Anticipation
-The Red Queen's Race
-Can We Measure Complexity?
-Are Products Getting More Complex?
-The Shape of Things: Phase Space
-Attractors and Convergence
-Stability and Disturbances
-Fitness Landscapes
-Shaping the Landscape
-Directed versus Undirected Adaptation
-Reflection and Action
15. How to Improve Everything
-Linear versus Nonlinear Improvement
-Know Where You Are
-Travel Tips for Wobbly Landscapes
-Change the Environment, Summon the Mountain
-Make Change Desirable
-Make Stagnation Painful
-Honor Thy Errors
-The Strategy of Noise
-The Strategy of Sex
-The Strategy of Broadcasts
-Don't Do Copy-Paste Improvement
-Some Last Practical Tips for Continuous Change
-Keep on Rolling
-Reflection and Action
16. All Is Wrong, but Some Is Useful
-The Six Views of Management 3.0
-Yes, My Model Is "Wrong"
-But Other Models Are "Wrong," Too
-The Fall and Decline of Agilists
-The Complexity Pamphlet
-Reflection and Action