Jelmer Evers is docent aan UniC, een innovatieve school in Utrecht.
Meer over de auteursFlip the System
Changing Education from the Ground Up
Paperback Engels 2015 9781138929982Samenvatting
Education is threatened on a global scale by forces of neoliberalism, through high stakes accountability, privatization and a destructive language of learning. In all respects, a GERM (Global Education Reform Movement) has erupted from international benchmark rankings such as PISA, TIMMS and PIRL, causing inequity, narrowing of the curriculum and teacher deprofessionalization on a truly global scale. In this book, teachers from around the world and other educational experts such as Andy Hargreaves, Ann Lieberman, Stephen Ball, Gert Biesta, Tom Bennett and many more, make the case to move away from this uneducational economic approach, to instead embrace a more humane, more democratic approach to education.
This approach is called 'flipping the system', a move that places teachers exactly where they need to be - at the steering wheel of educational systems worldwide. This book will appeal to teachers and other education professionals around the world.
Over René Kneyber
Part 1: A global problem: Accountability, privatization and control
1. Testing towards Utopia: Performativity, Pedagogy and the Teaching Profession - Alderik Visser
2. Measuring what doesn't matter: The Nonsense and sense of testing - Dick van der Wateren and Audrey Amrein Beardsly
3. Stephen Ball - On Neoliberalism and How it travels
-Interview with René Kneyber
Changing Education in Action in Cambodia: The Embattled Teach - William Brehm
4. The Effects of Accountability: A case study from Indonesia - Art Broekman
5. Thijs Jansen - On Quality and Professionality
-Interview with René Kneyber
Changing Education in Action in Georgia: …. - Maia Chanksielli
Part 2: A New Paradigm: Flip the system
6. Good Education and the Teacher: Reclaiming Educational Professionalism - Gert Biesta
7. Non-positional Teacher Leadership: Distributed leadership and self-efficacy - John Bangs and David Frost
8. The teachers’ voice: teacher unions at the heart of a new democratic professionalism - Howard Stevenson
9. Autonomy and Transparency: Two ideas gone bad - Andy Hargreaves
10. Teacher agency: What it is and why it matters - Mark Priestley, Gert Biesta and Sarah Robinson
Part 3: A Change to the system: Collective Autonomy
11. Whole systems approach: Professional Capital in Singapore - Pak Tee Ng
-Changing Education in Action in Finland: The Collaborating Teacher - Tim Walker
12. Teacher-powered Schools: Rising above education’s blame culture - Kim Farris-Berg and Ed Dirkswager
-Changing Education in Action in Singapore: The Inquiring Teacher - John Yeo
13. From top-down to inside-out: working in a teacher-led school - Lori Nazareno
-Changing Education in Action in Mexico: The Embracing Teacher - Elisa Guerra
Part 4: A Question of Mindset: Supporting and activating teachers
14. Teacher Leadership: A reinvented teaching profession - Barnett Berry, Noah Zeichner, and Rachel Evans
-Changing Education in Spain: The Inspiring Teacher
15. Arjan van der Meij - On Peer review and maker education
Interview with René Kneyber
16. Teacher Learning and Leadership Program: Professional Development for and by teachers - Ann Lieberman, Carol Campbell and Anna Yashkina.
-Changing Education in Sweden: The Cared for Teacher - Eva Hartell
-Changing Education in Russia: The Informed Teacher - Artiom Soloveychik
17. The Polite Revolution in Research and Education - Tom Bennett
Changing Education in Action in Korea: The Travelling Teacher - Jelmer Evers Interviews
18. Supporting and Empowering Teachers: The Role of School-Community Partnerships - Helen Janc Malone and Reuben Jacobson
-Changing Education in Action in Australia: The Connected Teacher - Matt Esterman
-Conclusion: Flip the System: Trust, honor, finding purpose, support, collaborate and time - Jelmer Evers and Rene Kneyber
Notes on Contributors
- advisering
- algemeen management
- coaching en trainen
- communicatie en media
- economie
- financieel management
- inkoop en logistiek
- internet en social media
- it-management / ict
- juridisch
- leiderschap
- marketing
- mens en maatschappij
- non-profit
- ondernemen
- organisatiekunde
- personal finance
- personeelsmanagement
- persoonlijke effectiviteit
- projectmanagement
- psychologie
- reclame en verkoop
- strategisch management
- verandermanagement
- werk en loopbaan