Bruno de Witte
- Auteur
Boeken van Bruno de Witte
Mark Dawson
Bruno de Witte
Elise Muir
Revisiting Judicial Politics in the European Union
Addressing the tensions between the political and the legal dimension of European integration as well as intra-institutional dynamics, this insightful book navigates the complex topic of judicial politics.
Bruno de Witte
Juan Mayoral
National Courts and Eu Law
This insightful and discerning book offers a fresh discourse on the functioning of national courts as decentralised EU courts and a new thematic for revising some older understandings of how national judges apply EU law.
Fabian Amtenbrink
Deirdre Curtin
Bruno de Witte
Jan Pieter Kuijper
Alison McDonnell
Stefan Bogaerts
The Law of the European Union and the European Communities