Van Haren Publishing publishes easy to access publications on Best Practices that are developed by professionals and quality-reviewed by many other experts.
Meer over Van Haren Learning Solutions a.o.Courseware based on The TOGAF® Standard, Version 9.2 - Foundation (Level 1)
E-book Pdf met watermerkbeveiliging Nederlands 2019 1e druk 9789401805278Samenvatting
Van Haren Publishing is listed as accredited TOGAF® 9 training course provider on the TOGAF® Accreditation Register for The TOGAF® Standard. Via the website vhls.global/togaf we enable you in three easy steps to also deliver Accredited TOGAF® 9 Standard training courses based on this Courseware.
We know the accreditation process well and support you with this. You don’t have to worry about the accreditation, you can become an affiliate of us and we will guide you in three easy steps through the process, including enrolment of qualified trainers. Our materials are of the highest quality includes extensive exam preparations and many other extra’s!
Already, many well-respected training organizations make use of these Van Haren Publishing high quality materials and services for the delivery of The TOGAF Standard training. We have been enabling our Affiliates to grow their revenue and numbers of students. The easiness of enrollment and the many extra’s we provide creates a great competitive advantage for our partners.
Van Haren Publishing is the official publisher of The Open Group, we provide as one of the only organizations all official publications.
The Courseware Package offered by Van Haren consists out of
- The TOGAF® Standard, Version 9.2 Courseware
- TOGAF®Standard Version 9.2 - A Pocket Guide
- The TOGAF® Standard Version 9.2
- TOGAF®9 Foundation Study Guide 4th Edition and the TOGAF® exam voucher (ordered directly or via The Open Group).
The TOGAF®Standard has been developed through the collaborative efforts of the whole community. Using The TOGAF® Standard results in an Enterprise Architecture that is consistent, reflects the needs of stakeholders, employs best practice, and gives due consideration both to current requirements and the perceived future needs of the business.
These courseware materials form the perfect basis for full course accreditation including the Van Haren's QMS, Courseware materials, authorized trainer(s) enrollment and exam voucher(s).
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